Here is a picture of my bedroom before I re-arranged it and stenciled the wall. Why? Because its about time for a picture and a picture of a torn sheet is just dumb and while I am at it you might as well see the changes I made. Stay tuned.
Seriously wanting to buy a new set now, but trying to stay on budget and getting sick of the thought of spending a lot on sheets when the kids just shot up in size and need new jeans more than I need sheets, I gave up on the idea. (that was probably about 10 sentences all in one but I am not fixing it) One day I was in Target and decided to see what kind of expensive sheets they had. I came across their organic sheets, which I had heard from another sheet snob, are very soft even though they are a low thread count. I really didn't need a whole set though and some of the reviews I had seen online weren't the best. Plus, I technically only need a fitted sheet..even though I will cringe every time I get into bed and the sheets don't all match. Right next to the organic sheets were open stock (?) sheets and pillowcases in all sorts of colors. They were 300tc ..hmmmm.. but, wow! they were super soft! Hubby gave me the go-ahead and I went and bought a white fitted sheet.
Now, here is the promised after picture of my bedroom. It's still a work in progress but I am really loving the stenciled accent wall! Isn't it lovely?