
Friday, November 18, 2011

Photo Friday

I haven't had a Photo Friday in a good while so today I am giving you several pictures. I just took these yesterday. We have had one of the prettiest falls this year in a very long time... maybe ever since I have lived in Georgia. It was such a beautiful day today!After having to turn on the A/C the past few days, this weather in the 50's was refreshing.
I took these at F.D.R. State Park and the Little White House in Warm Springs, Georgia.

 This next one is President F.D. Roosevelt's house in Georgia, Little White House, where he would stay and swim in the therapeutic waters of Warm Springs. He died here in 1945.
  Such a cute cozy house.
Thanks for looking and if I don't post before then, Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Yay photo Friday is back! Thanks for the gorgeous fall pics. and the history lesson. We don't have this kind of color in San Diego. Happy Thanksgiving!


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