
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cheap Monogram Art

I am kind of proud of this scrappy project. It only cost me less than $2. It sort of shows, but hey! Its cheap art for my daughters room. I started off with a broken frame that my mom was throwing away. I rescued it, sort of fixed it, and painted it white.

 Then I took a wooden "H" I got at Hobby Lobby for a buck and Mod Podged some scrapbook paper to it. Actually I had already done that many weeks before I just didn't have any idea what I was going to do with it. I did paint the inside edges black so it would seem to stand out some. Though in this pic I hadn't done that yet.  
 Then (I didnt take pics of this) I took an old frame backing that I was saving for some reason and decided to tape a scrap piece of wallpaper from her room over the backing. I thought it needed a little something else so I took a square of scrapbooking paper and double sided super sticky taped it to the middle of the wallpaper. Then I said, hmmm, lets see what some ribbon looks like around the scrapbook square. So I used some more of that super sticky red line tape and taped it around the paper. It was grosgrain so I melted the ends with a lighter to prevent frays.

 And here is what I came up with:

 I decided that I liked it better not hanging over her bed and moved it to the big blank wall in her room.
Every good southern girl needs a monogram don't they? So there ya have it. My cheap-o , scrappy art for Hannah's room.

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  1. Uhmm, as I was relaying to you last are OMA-zing at this. I am so glad you have this blog, now you just need a booth :)

  2. Awe.. well. I shall seriously think about it. Thanks so much for the encouragement!

  3. Hey you should be proud of this and you do need a boothIts so cute! I love the dimension and the colors you used. I especially love you did it for such an amazing price.


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