
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Organizing My Tablecloths

 I've been super busy the past few weeks trying to get projects done before we start school back up. My kids finished in February and I decided to take an extra long break so that I could do these things before they build up and overwhelm me. It didnt work. Now we really need to get school started soon and I am waiting until the last minute to do things. Classic I tell ya.
Right now I am working on painting a piece of crappy furniture. I am between coats so I thought I would share a nice little organization project I completed since on our long school break.
I got rid of my linen closet and turned it into a game and junk closet. The tablecloths and napkins and place mats were being stored in the pantry on the floor in a fabric zip bag. Very inconvenient. I decided to put everyones coats in their own closets (that's where the sheets went too) and hang up my table linens.
Here is what the coat closet looks like now (no before... but it would have been boring).
I hung up all of the table cloths, in rainbow order, on those thin, fuzzy hangers. The ones I got happened to have little hooks for stacking hangers together. I decided to take the plastic skirt/pant  hangers, that Kohls always leaves on my clothes, and use it for the napkins, placemats, table runners, and doilies. Yes. I said doilies. If I had napkins that matched a table cloth they got clipped to the skirt hanger and hung on the hook of the matching tablecloth. Like so:
An easy little organization project, but such a good idea.
Since we're here in the closet lets take a look at what else I did.
I hung an over the door hook rack in the closet for tote bags and a couple light jackets that were in there. I still need to make a place in the garage for those plastic bins on the floor of the closet. I did however organize that messy shelf you see. The one with the Hello Kitty on it.

See? I had these baskets  and thought they would work well. One is for hats and scarves, one for mittens and hand warmers the other is for my Stone Mountain gear. We visit there quite often and its just easier to grab the basket and head on out. It holds our passes, refillable cups, ponchos, and a couple of handwarmers in there too for when we go in the winter.  That shelf above them is for my husbands boxes. He loves to hang on to software and hardware boxes for the computer stuff.
Back to my painting. I cant wait to show you what I did!!!!

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