
Monday, April 25, 2011

Bandana Shirt

When I saw Living With Punks cute green bandana dress, I knew I just HAD to make one for my daughter. Only problem is she is a little too big for it to work as a dress, so we made it into a shirt. I think I may make another one and add some bandana ruffles to the bottom to make it a dress. It was so quick and easy to make, and the color options are vast! The bandanas were only 99cents each at Hobby Lobby! 

Be sure to visit Living With Punks blog for her great tutorial on how to make your own.
A few things I did differently. I didnt cross the straps in the back...oops! I also made the straps a little wider than suggested. I cut some extra fabric from the bottom and serged the raw edges, but didnt turn up the hem. Its still cute and decorative. Also, when I sewed on the elastic thread, I simply turned the fabric and continued sewing the next lines. This saved on thread, and time. Isnt it adorable?

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Get Your Craft On Tuesday

sew many ways

Friday, April 22, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Facebook Page

I did it. I made a Facebook page for my blog. I feel silly doing it, because my blog is not too special, and I only have 22 followers (one is me). Thank you, all 21 followers. I am truly honored to have you as my blog followers!
If you are interested, please like my Facebook Fan page too!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Book Pages Wreath

Did you ever see that gorgeous, faux rosewood wreath at Target? Its even prettier in person. Well, my Sis-in-Law got one and instead of using it on the wall, used it as a Christmas centerpiece on a big round table. I think she put some sparkly candles in the middle of it, but I am not sure. I was too busy oohing and ahhing over the wreath. Not wanting to pay $40 for this beauty, I did what I always think and do. Wonder if I can make it myself, and then Google it to see if anyone else has. I didn't do too much searching before I came across the blog  Under the Table and Dreaming who had made her own version of the wreath from book pages. It took my breath away it was so gorgeous. Even more so than Targets wood one. I KNEW I had to make one for myself. So after hours of work and 2 packs of glue sticks, here she is (cue that angel choir again... they sing a lot at my house)

So mine is a little different than hers. I dont know what size wreath she used, but mine was huge. About 16 inches across. She used one of those green foam wreath forms that have a curve to the top and she spray painted it. I didn't want to have to worry about seeing the wreath through any gaps, so I just hot glued some pages to it. You can use hot glue, but use a low setting so you don't melt the wreath. I got some special foam glue sticks, but I honestly don't think it was any different than regular glue.

Now I am not a big fan of taking a book and destroying it. I was taught that books are our friends (thanks Mom). However this wreath was much more exciting than it would have been if I had read it. I suggest getting crappy worn out Readers Digest condensed books. I have a use for the cover too which I will post about when I eventually make it.
I used 1 1/2 books on mine, but if you use a smaller wreath form you should only need one book. Library sales, garage sales, and Goodwill have plenty of these RD books, and should cost under a buck. Mine was free.
After my wreath form was covered I set off on the journey of paper rose making. I did this several nights while watching movies. Tear out, or cut with a box cutter, all of your book pages.  Using 3 pages at a time, cut into a spiral shape, leaving a small circle in the middle. It doesn't have to be perfect, and after several dozen of these you will be a pro.

Start at the end and roll away until you get to the middle. I had a nice little system going. I cut out all my spirals, then I rolled them, then glued them to hold the shape.
The circle at the end of your spiral makes a nice spot for a blob of glue to hold it all together.
Here is a completed rose. I used some of the pages that had pictures on them. I like how it gave it some character.
Some of the pages I cut in half and made 2 spirals per page. I liked the idea of having 2 different shapes.
I sort of randomly glued them on. I didnt want the roses to look like little soldiers all lined up perfectly. I even tilted some on their sides to give it more dimension.

This rose on the bottom right is my absolute favorite one. Its a little hard to tell, but you can see the gold gilt edges from the top of the book on it. I am not sure how I did it, but I think its the only one like it on the wreath.
I decided to hang the finished product on my bookshelves. An appropriate place I think. I just happened to have a hole in the wall near where I wanted to hang it, so I screwed a cup hook in it.
The ribbon is a big piece I saved from a present, and its not really what I want for it, but it works until I can find the perfect ribbon. I just looped it through the wreath and knotted it then slipped it on the cup hook. Works perfectly.
I took quite a few pics, so you get to see them all... well a few of them.

Sigh.... I love it almost as much as my 600+ books

Linking up to:

sew many ways

Get Your Craft On Tuesday


Friday, April 15, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Curtain Rod Paper Holder

 I wanted a place to hang some newspapers and packing paper in my craft closet. I wanted it easy to grab so that when I needed to protect a surface, and only think about it when I have a wet paint project already in my hand with no place to set it, I can grab one handed without too much fuss.
I love to use things I already have on hand, so when I noticed several of those cheap, crappy, white metal curtain rods stashed in a corner of my game closet, I knew they would be perfect for the job. I also wanted it to have some grip so all the papers wouldnt fall off when I grabbed a sheet.  I found a bit of skid proof shelf liner left over from the '90's and adhered it with some more of that wonderful red tape.
Here it is attached to the rod with the tape. I wasn't worried about it matching anything because it was going to be covered with paper. I didn't cover the entire rod though.
I hung it up just above my dresser turned work table.
Complete with paper and old comics.
Its very convenient. I already had a chance to use it when once again I forgot to lay something down first before starting a project.
Ugly, yes, but its in a closet, and it works for me.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Mini Fabric Bolts

So I have been working on my craft/sewing room for the past couple of months. Its been off an on, but I thought I would start showing you some of the things I have done. In my last non-Photo Friday post you saw my Dresser Makeover. I actually did that over a year (possibly 2) ago. It is sitting in the closet in my sewing room and makes a great addition to that space. However,  just look at the messy state of the fabric in there. This is just one side of the closet. The other side looked just like that! 
It was messy but it really did have some order. See ^. There were denims together, cream fabrics together, whites, plaids, florals, solids.....hey look, I forgot I even had that fabrics, and woe... why is this ugly junk in my stash!
With about 100 comic book boards  ( got mine free from a credit with purchase), and some serious purging and donating, I ended up with this.  ** que angel choir **

 Still in a lovely order and sitting pretty for all to see.This has made such a difference in that closet. I can now see exactly what I have, and it makes me so happy.
I lined the shelves with some of that special, thick liner for wire shelving. You can get it at the hardware store. I even got some at Publix! It helps keep the bolts from slipping through the bottom of the wire shelves. Lucky you if you have wood shelves.
The comic boards are about 7x10in. I just folded most of the fabrics from selvage to selvage, then in half again. I then wrapped it around the board a bit tightly, but not too tight so the board doesnt bend. Sometimes I used 2 for thicker fabrics, or very long yardage. Then secured them with a pin. You could probably use foam core, cereal boxes cut up, or even any boxes cut up.
Give it a try. I guarantee  you will love it!
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sew many ways